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Legal Notice

The following information is given in compliance with the provisions laid down in Article 10 of the Information Society and e-Commerce Services Law 34/2002 (Ley de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y Comercio Electrónico : LSSICE).

Name of the Company: GMV Innovating Solutions S.L.
Registered head office: C/ Isaac Newton, 11. Tres Cantos. 28760 Madrid. Spain
email address:
Entry in the Company Register (Registro Mercantil): Madrid – Volume 26883, Folio 71, Section 8, Page M-484492 – Entry 1
NIF (Tax Identification Number): B-85717775

Condition of User and acceptance of these terms and conditions

Anyone accessing and making use of GMV’s website (hereinafter, the WEBSITE) thereby becomes a User thereof and implicitly accepts this LEGAL NOTICE. “User” for these purposes is understood to be anyone who accesses, uses, browses or participates in the WEBSITE’s services and activities, whether free of charge or for a price.

Use of the WEBSITE and Intellectual Property

GMV is tenure holder of the intellectual and industrial property of all the WEBSITE’s component elements, understanding the latter especially to be the texts, graphs, drawings, designs, computer codes, software, photographs, music, videos, sounds, commercial brands, databases, expressions and information and other protectable content.

Any total or partial copying or use of the content mentioned in the previous paragraph, for commercial purposes (including reproduction, distribution, transformation and public communication) is forbidden without GMV’s prior and express written consent.

Access to, browsing of and use of the WEBSITE is done under the user’s responsibility, whereby the user undertakes to faithfully and diligently observe any additional instructions given by GMV itself or personnel authorized by GMV concerning the use of the WEBSITE and its contents.

Users are also hereby requested to inform GMV of any unlawful conduct they may become cognizant of or any conduct violating third party rights, doing so by using the contact facilities provided on the WEBSITE.

Any infraction of intellectual and industrial property rights on the contents of GMV’s WEBSITE by the user or unauthorized use of said elements will imply enforcement of such liabilities as may be provided for in current law.

Processing of personal data

To find out about GMV’s personal data policy and compliance with the duties of information and previous consent with respect to such information gathered from the various WEBSITE contact forms, please refer to GMV’s Privacy Policy for detailed information.

Exemption from liability and third-party links

GMV does not guarantee the lawfulness, trustworthiness, usefulness, truthfulness or precision of the services or information given out on its WEBSITE nor the non-existence of viruses or damaging components. GMV does nonetheless hereby declare that it has taken all necessary measures within its purview and according to the current state of technology to guarantee the correct and proper functioning of the WEBSITE.

Users are likely to find on the WEBSITE’s various buttons, banners, etc, links to other websites, all of which are run by third parties. GMV will not be held liable for the content or any other aspect of the websites accessed by such links. The establishment of any type of link by GMV’s WEBSITE to any other website does not necessarily imply any type of business relationship between them or any collaboration or dependency between GMV and the manager of the other website.

Amendment of these general terms and conditions

GMV reserves the right to amend or adapt the WEBSITE or this LEGAL NOTICE at any time and without previous notice. Users are therefore recommended to read these terms and conditions on each occasion that they intend to use the WEBSITE, since both the WEBSITE itself and said terms and conditions may have undergone modifications. Any User who is not in agreement with any of the conditions laid down herein shall cease to use the WEBSITE forthwith.

The new wording of the terms and conditions will be published on the WEBSITE itself. These general terms and conditions hence remain valid and in force until such time as they are totally or partially amended, whereupon the amended general terms and conditions will come into force, overriding the former.