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Cookies Policy

The web page (hereinafter, the WEBSITE), owned by Grupo Tecnológico e Industrial GMV S.A. (hereinafter, GMV) uses proprietary and third party cookies to favour and improve the User experience by means of analysis of browsing patterns.

In compliance with current legislation, GMV wishes to inform the User fully and clearly on all that relates to the use of cookies. Therefore, we recommend you read this policy carefully.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a file that is downloaded in your computer when accessing certain web pages. Cookies allow web pages, for example, to save and recover information on the browsing pattern of a user or his equipment and, depending on the information contained and the way in which the equipment is used, can be used to recognise the user. Cookies do not harm your terminal.

Depending on their uses, cookies can be:

  • Technical: those which permit or aid User browsing through the web page and the use of the different options or services existing therein, such as identifying the session or remembering passwords.
  • For personalisation: those are the ones that allow the User to access the service with some features of a general nature which are predefined according to a series of criteria in the User’s terminal such as language, type of browser used to access the service, etc.
  • For analysis: allow quantification of the number of Users in order to conduct measurement and statistical analysis of the use of the page, for the purposes of improving navigation and the services offered.
  • Publicity: those that allow the most efficient management possible of publicity spaces of the WEBSITE, based on criteria such as the edited contents or the frequency that the advertisements are shown.
  • For targeted publicity: those that allow the most efficient management of the publicity spaces of the WEBSITE, storing information on User patterns obtained through ongoing observation of his or her browsing habits, which allows the creation of a specific profile in order to show publicity akin to such profile.

Furthermore, they may be session cookies (if they disappear at the end of the User’s browsing session) or persistent cookies (if they remain in the terminal for longer).

Lastly, depending on the entity that manages the cookies in question, they may be proprietary (managed by the WEBSITE itself) or belong to third parties (if downloaded in the User’s terminal from a remote server).

Cookies we use on the WEBSITE

In GMV, we use proprietary and third party cookies whose general purpose is to analyse the browsing pattern of the User and provide him or her better services in our WEBSITE.

Cookie: warning
Purpose: it collects the acceptance of cookies on the part of the User in order to avoid showing the cookie banner in the next session
Time stored: Persistent | One year from settings or update.
Origin: Proprietary – | Grupo Tecnológico e Industrial GMV, S.A. (C/ Isaac Newton, 11 -28760 Tres Cantos – Madrid, España)

Cookie: viewed_cookie_policy
Purpose: it collects the acceptance of cookies on the part of the User in order to avoid showing the cookie banner in the next session in the “Blog” section of the page
Time stored: Persistent | One year from settings or update.
Origin: Propietary – | Grupo Tecnológico e Industrial GMV, S.A. (C/ Isaac Newton, 11 -28760 Tres Cantos – Madrid, España)

Purpose: User session identifier
Time stored: Session | Disappears at the end of the session
Origin: Propietary – | Grupo Tecnológico e Industrial GMV, S.A. (C/ Isaac Newton, 11 -28760 Tres Cantos – Madrid, España)

Cookie: (Random variable) | Examples: “FfnckzgnBipGwxkj” “dpwDBErAABaCDdmd”
Purpose: User session identifier in the blog page
Time stored: Session | Disappears at the end of the session
Origin: Propietary – | Grupo Tecnológico e Industrial GMV, S.A. (C/ Isaac Newton, 11 -28760 Tres Cantos – Madrid, España)

Cookie: pll_language
Purpose: Identifies and saves browsing language of the user in the page in order to show the blog articles in Spanish or in English
Time stored: Persistent | One year from settings or update.
Origin: Propietary – | Grupo Tecnológico e Industrial GMV, S.A. (C/ Isaac Newton, 11 -28760 Tres Cantos – Madrid, España)

Cookie: _ga , _gat
Purpose: Google Universal Analytics | Both analyse browsing pattern and allow creation of flow statistics
ga is used to distinguish individual users by means of designation of a randomly generated number as client identifier, which allows calculation of visits and sessions
_gat is used to distinguish between the different monitoring objects created in the session
Further information on cookies by Google in
Time stored:
_ga Persistent | One year from settings or update.
_gat Persistent | Ten minutes from settings or update.
Origin: Third party – | This cookie, despite downloading from the WEB PAGE, is considered as third party, because it is downloaded from the servers of Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States)

Purpose: Google Maps, Google + | Download certain Google utilities and can store certain preferences, for example, the number of search results per page or activation of SafeSearch filter, as well as to tailor the advertisements shown in Google search, or ‘Social Sharing’ cookies for the G+1 button for footnote recommendation
Time stored:
AID – Persistent | One year from settings or update.
OTZ – Persistent | One month from settings or update.
NID – Persistent | Six months from settings or update.
All others: – Persistent | Two years from settings or update.
Origin: Third parties – / | Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States)

Cookie: bt2, di2, dt, um, loc, uid, vc, uvc, xtc, _atuvc, _atuvs B, tidal_ttid, ssi
Purpose: AddThis | AddThis is a technological company that permits websites and users easy sharing of contents with others, through interchange icons and social bookmarking sites. AddThis cookies are used to enable contents for sharing. AddThis is also used to compile information on how website contents are shared
Further information on AddThis cookies in
Time stored:
di2, um, loc, vc, uvc, _atuvc, B -Persistent | Two years from settings or update
tidal_ttid, ssi – Persistent | One year from settings or update.
bt2 – Persistent | Eight months from settings or update
dt – Persistent | One month from settings or update
_atuvs – Persistent | Thirty minutes from settings or update.
xtc – Session | Disappears at the end of the session
Origin: Third parties – | AddThis (1595 Spring Hill Road Suite 300, Vienna, VA 22182, United States.

Cookie: bkdc, bku, _cc_dc, _cc_id, _cc_cc, _cc_aud
Purpose: Lotame | Lotame is a Data Management Platform (DMP) which, through these cookies, obtains information (neither personal nor sensitive data) of User browsing in order to provide publicity that is consistent with habits and target marketing strategies more efficiently
Further information on Lotame cookies in
Time stored: All of them – Persistent: Nine months from settings or update
Origin: Third party – | Lotame Solutions, Inc. (181 2nd Avenue Suite,300, San Mateo, CA 94401, United States.

Cookie: IDE, DSID, id, _drt_, _sonar, FLC
Purpose: | These are publicity cookies used to improve advertising. Usually used to target publicity according to contents that are relevant for a user, improve performance reports of the campaign and avoid showing advertisements that the user has already seen
Further information on Doubleclick cookies in

Time stored:
IDE – Persistent | One year and seven months from settings or update.
_sonar – Persistent | One year from setting or update.
FLC – Persistent | Nine months from settings or update.
DSID – Persistent | 10 days from settings or update
id, _drt_ – Persistent | Two years from settings or update

Origin: Third parties – Google through | Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States)

Cookie: datr, x-src
Purpose: Facebook | Facebook cookies integrate the web page with Facebook and detect the number of “likes” or if the User is logged in
Further information on Facebook cookies in

Time stored:
datr – Persistent | Two years from settings or update.
x-src – Session | Disappears at the end of the session
Origin: Third parties – | Facebook, Inc. (1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94205, United States.

Cookie: _gid
Purpose: Used to differentiate between users.
Duration: 24 hours
Origin: Google Analytics
Cookie: _utma
Purpose: This is used to differentiate between users and sessions. This cookie is created when the JavaScript library is run and there is no __utma cookie. This cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics.
Duration: Two years from the original set-up or update
Origin: Google Analytics
Cookie: _utmz
Purpose: This cookie stores the traffic source or campaign indicating how the user has reached the site. It is created when the JavaScript library is run and updated each time data is sent to Google Analytics.
Duration: Six months from the original set-up or update
Origin: Google Analytics
Cookie: _atssc
Purpose: Used to manage the share count, until the sharing cache is updated.
Duration: 2 years
Origin: AddThis
Cookie: _atuvc
Purpose: The __ atuvc cookie is created and read in the javascript social plugin “Add this” on the client side to make sure the page-sharing user sees an updated count. This cookie data is not forwarded to AddThis, but disabling cookies could produce unexpected behavior for users.
Duration: 2 years
Origin: AddThis
Cookie: _gid
Purpose: This is a publicity cookie to select adverts with content relevant to the particular user.
Duration: 1 year
Origin: Doubleclick
Cookie: _ncuid
Purpose: These are third-party Twitter cookies. These cookies allow users, if they wish, to start a Twitter session to share content of our websites with their friends. These cookies do not enable us to access their accounts; neither do they give us confidential client-related information. These cookies also allow tweets to appear on the website.
Duration: 6 months
Origin: Twitter
Cookie: _ym_uid
Purpose: This cookie is used to measure and analyze this web traffic. These cookies use the Yandex Metrica script belonging to the company Yandex.
Duration: 2 years
Origin: Google Analytics
Cookie: cX_P
Purpose: Used to show user-relevant Criteo adverts.
Duration: 1 years
Origin: Doubleclick
Cookie: cto_lwid
Purpose: Used by Double Click ( for publicity segmentation.
Duration: 13 months
Origin: Doubleclick


In compliance with current norms, downloading and installation of cookies in the User terminal require consent. The User accepts cookies if he or she clicks on the “Accept” bottom that shows in the pop-up on accessing our page. If such pop-up does not appear, this means you have already previously activated our cookies.

Management and deactivation

If after having consented to the download of cookies, the User should be interested in deleting them, or should wish to manage their use differently, he or she can do so by setting his or her browser as indicated in the following links to the different official assistance service of each one:

In each of these links, the User will have the option of eliminating the search history, as well of blocking or allowing cookies.

If after reading this policy you have any doubts in connection with the working, use, purpose, settings or any other matter regarding cookies, do not hesitate to contact us: